Shiatsu massage is a holistic treatment, which aims to harmonise body, mind and spirit by applying pressure on key points typical of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture.
These had the tradition of referring to nature, specifically alluding to the elements of water, metal, earth, fire and wood, but always focusing on what, in shiatsu massage in Valencia, we know as the meridian of the body’s energy.
In shiatsu massage they are located in different parts of the body, the best known are: river that channels its energy into the ankles and wrists, stream that refers to the metatarsus or also called metacarpus, well that focuses its energy on the sole of the foot, sea that focuses on the elbows and knees and spring that is located in the area of the fingers.
These are just a few, as we have many more, as the body is full of strategic points that we can access thanks to traditional Chinese medicine with shiatsu massage in Valencia. When we exert pressure on these therapeutic points, the flow of vital energy is stimulated and the body’s self-healing capacity is improved. In this way, shiatsu massage can relieve ailments such as back pain or nervous disorders such as anxiety, without side effects. Gentle pressures are intended to provide a relaxing effect while more intense pressures are intended to generate a more calming effect.